Global Village Engineers
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Who We Are
Who We AreWhy is GVE Unique?

Our Mission:

Enhancing local knowledge to create lasting change.

The Organization

We believe that infrastructure will best serve communities when they have the capacity to become involved from project inception through construction. Governments and project sponsors often do not invest in communicating basic facts to the community about design, construction, and maintenance. Our mission is to find these facts and develop the local capacity to understand such facts. We join efforts with knowledgeable NGO personnel who use their new technical understanding to organize more effective public advocacy efforts.

After GVE volunteers work in the field to assess the engineering needs of a given project, they formulate a strategy for the local community organizations with their NGO counterparts, based on cultural understanding and sensitivity, to impart the technical information in a simple and accessible manner. They also act as catalysts and liaisons for that project among the engineering designers, advocacy and environmental organizations, policy makers, and the impacted community organizations.

Also, GVE volunteers have the opportunity to practice specific skills and enjoy the satisfaction of teaching new skills to people who deeply appreciate their value in maintaining their very survival, not to speak of setting the foundation for their economic development. GVE volunteers follow up their assessments and initial trainings with ongoing dialogue and additional trainings with the communities until they feel comfortable acting alone.

See Our Sponsor List

"Global Village Engineers is a particularly unique asset to civil society through its combination of technical expertise and socially responsible implementation techniques."
SHARE Foundation
Washington, D.C. Office


The volunteer corps of professional engineers is a vital component of our organization. GVE has developed an active network of technical professionals whose expertise extends across many engineering disciplines including:

  • Wastewater Treatment
  • Information Technology
  • Environmental Impacts
  • Roadway Design and Construction
  • Water and Air Quality Impacts
  • Hydrogeology
  • Stormwater Management
  • Water Supply
  • Natural Disaster Preparedness
  • Hazardous Materials/Waste
  • Hydrology
  • Hydropower
  • Solid Waste Management
  • Bridge/Structures
  • Flood Control

Global Village Engineers is an affiliated organization of:

  • the World Economic Forum Disaster Resource Network. International and Non-Governmental Organizations are the vital channel through which the DRN will achieve its goal.

Where is the Corps?

Board of Directors

Frank Mainville
Director, Delphi Valuation Advisors, Inc.

Michael Shimkin
GVE Executive Director

Board of Advisors

Robert Bellhouse
Chief Operating Officer, Mouthwatch, LLC

Jennifer Davis
Assistant Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Bernward J. Hay, Ph.D.
Senior Scientist, The Berger Group

Wendy Maldonado
Writer and Editor
Providence, Rhode Island

Charles B. McKinley, P.E.
Senior Project Manager, TetraTech-ISG

William B. Moeller
Professor Emeritus - University of Massachusetts Lowell

Gregorio Schneider
Fund Manager, The Rohatyn Group, LLC

Morris Trichon, Ph.D., R.E.P., Q.E.P.

Paul Zofnass
President, The Environmental Financial Consulting Group, Inc.

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Global Village Engineers is a 501(c)3 registered charitable organization.